Late last year I was in a pretty bad place as far as my health went. I needed a new hip, which did not seem to be coming anytime soon. This badly affected my mobility and I couldn’t continue my mountain biking or even walk the dog. This meant I was getting less and less fit and my waist was growing and growing… It also meant I did not get the time outside, exercising in nature, that helped keep my mind healthy and happy. I had never been in a gym.
In fact I hated the very thought of the gym.
So, deciding to work with Nigel was a bit of a stretch for me. The privacy of one-on-one sessions in a private space appealed to me. I knew I need to improve my health and fitness so I could live the life I wanted, perform well at work, and increase my longevity.
Nothing I had done on my own had really helped much…so I gave a go.
I found that working in the gym didn’t hurt my hip – but it undoubtably helped my fitness. I could achieve small goals, make small gains again. It was hard work, but I could actually feel the rewards.
Most importantly … I started to believe I could again.
Once I received a long-awaited surgery date for my hip replacement, I was able to focus on preparing myself to be in the best shape for that and my recovery. Now, ten week later I am still at the gym, walking regularly, mountain-biking and have started jogging again. My fitness is rebounding, I can easily get into my outdoor activities and this in turn has had a positive effect on my mental and physical wellbeing.
My results have been exponential, with each little gain in my physical and mental health significantly stimulating the next gain. I would not have been able to achieve this turn-around if it wasn’t for the coaching that Nigel gave me.
For all I thought I “should” be able to do this on my own… I knew I could not achieve the same results without his help.
I know that without his “gentle encouragement” I simply would not push myself the way I have. He has effectively combined a staged exercise routine with embedding new patterns of nutrition into my lifestyle. The journey isn’t over yet, but I have achieved many more of health goals than I thought possible. To be honest, I still don’t absolutely love the gym, but I do love the results it has produced, the way I feel after it, and that I am strong enough to get back into the activities that I really enjoy doing, and that are so good for me.
-Mark Templeton